Diocese of Alabama #1
The House of God Church - Keith Dominion
Bishop John Lott, Jr.
Presiding State Bishop
Trial Bishop Jeanette Lott
Assistant State Bishop
Bishop John Lott, Jr., is currently appointed as a Chief Helper and Presiding Prelate to the aforementioned diocese.
Diocese of Alabama #1
The House of God Church - Keith Dominion
The Diocese of Alabama #1 consist of eleven churches. Eight of the eleven churches are within the state of Alabama. Greenville, Alabama is known as the mother church, the name is associate with the Greenville band because the doctrine of The House of God church exemplifies the first assembly was held in Greenville, AL., in June 1908.
Therefore, in the state of Alabama the Greenville band is better known as the ‘mother’ church in memory of Mother Mary Magdalena Tate, Founder. The location of the churches in Alabama are: Andalusia, AL., Atmore, AL., Corner Flat, AL., Greenville, AL., Long Creek, AL., parts of Montgomery, AL., Rutledge, AL., and Skinnerton, AL.